Credit Report Upload DOES NOT Work!! (IdentityIQ)
Keenan Jones
Great to hear your perspective, Tom Tarkowski! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you please specify the type of file you are trying to upload?
- Are you receiving any error messages when you try to upload the credit reports?
- Could you describe the steps you are taking when you encounter this issue?
Tom Tarkowski
Keenan Jones Open up a ticket and login to my account. I have sent you two requests in the last 2 days did not get one reply. The same problem you guys had last week.
Keenan Jones
Hi Tom Tarkowski:
I apologize for the frustration and I'm here to help. If this issue is related to IDIQ, it's a known problem on their end. They released an update that unfortunately broke our importer, and we've asked them to revert that change. We weren't informed about this update beforehand, which is usually the protocol. We apologize for for the issues you are facing and expect to have a resolution soon.
If your issue is indeed related to IDIQ and you're still experiencing problems, we did hear from them that they are expecting to push a resolution soon.
If you are experiencing issues with another importer, please ensure our support team has all relevant details. They are working as quickly as possible to get back to all customers on active issues.
Tom Tarkowski
Keenan Jones unfortunately it seems like Smart credit doesn’t work either. Yes, you are right. It is frustrating that we are experiencing these issues while you are not responding to requests. It is very hard over the years to deal with your company each time there is an issue. Ive been with you since 2015 and actually never had a positive experience about customer service.