Feature Requests

Please be as descriptive as possible of how you’d imagine the feature to work in CRC and your reasoning behind the request. We’re excited to review your idea!
Re-invite (or update payment method) to Credit Hero Score email, needed.
Many times clients cancel Credit Hero Score or their past due billing cancels/deletes their account and we need them to sign back up. Majority of the time, clients switch cards and forget about the credit monitoring. We need to keep the button at the top of the page, that says "send invite" (see attached) so this can be a easy way to remind clients to sign back up for credit monitoring. This is also needed for clients that we reactivate in our CRM system as well. The reason why this is needed, is because it's easy for us to click a button to update clients that their credit monitoring is inactive and it allows us to track/get notified when a client signs back up for Credit Hero Score. By having this, we no longer have to call clients multiple times, text or spend minutes emailing and explaining that they need to sign back up for credit hero score. AS A BONUS: When clients credit hero score account is deactivated/deleted because they cancelled or failed payments, maybe it would be easier to not completely wipe out their account and make them sign back up for CHS all over again? There should be an option to have them login and update their billing. Maybe instead of having a link that says "invite to credit hero score", it could say "please update your billing to credit hero score" and the link directs them back to the login page (along with their login credentials-similar to our login credentials email in CRC). For example, Let's says a client signs back up for our services 6 months later or they never updated their billing for CHS after 6 months, instead of them having to sign up and verify their identity all back over, it only takes them 2 seconds to only have to update their payment method. Smart Credit, IdentityIQ and many others do not delete customers accounts if billing fails or if they cancel, they can sign in 10 years later and once logged in, it will allow them to update payment method. If anything, this actually prevents CHS customers from cancelling and creating a $1 trial account every 30 days.
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