Feature Requests

Please be as descriptive as possible of how you’d imagine the feature to work in CRC and your reasoning behind the request. We’re excited to review your idea!
REMOVE "cancellation" from CRC step 5 of dunning
When clients payments decline, it is unlikely they will update their payment within a few days. Some may, but most usually wait for their next pay check in 2 weeks or so. We need to STOP CRC Billing from sending our clients a "your subscription is cancelled" after the 5th dunning notice. This makes too many of our customers think we cancelled their account, OR causes an issue when we go back and bill them manually as instructed by them. For example, a customer stated they will pay on March 11th, so we attempted to bill them today, by processing a manual invoice. They called and claimed we shouldn't have attempted to bill them, because we sent them an email, stating their account was cancelled (CRC Billing auto email after 5th dunning attempt). We had to slowly explain to the client we did not cancel their account with us and the email was invalid. This has confused tons of clients. We even had some clients state they went to another company, because we sent them an email, stating their account/subscription has been cancelled.-VERY CONFUSING EMAIL! Answers to keenan questions: What should we state after the 5th dunning attempt? Something in the lines of "We have tried to collect payment multiple times and failure to update your billing could risk your account being cancelled in the future. Please contact us ASAP". -Please DO NOT send them an email stating we cancelled their subscription! Why is this important? It prevents customers from being confused and causing issues, by them thinking we cancelled their account with us. Are there any laws on changing these words? No... What should happen after the last dunning attempt? ANYTHING, besides cancelling the clients subscription, PLEASE! -Once all dunning attempts are over, leave it up to CRC users to manually send new invoices, set new payment dates, etc.
Add spouse option on self checkout feature
We are beginning to face a few concerns with the self checkout feature, not having the option to add a spouse (like the old CRC webform)-see attached. BEFORE: Clients could select "add a spouse" and enter their spouse's info/email and only have to enter their card on file for services ONCE. NOW (with self checkout): An individual would have to sign up, enter their card, complete onboarding, then go all the way back to the website and do this all back over again for their spouse. Beating @Keenan to his questions: WHY IS THIS A CONCERN/IMPORTANT? 90% of customers who enroll are married couples/trying to buy a home, therefore they both are in need of services. When couples enroll, we tell them they have to put their card on file again, when enrolling their spouse-but we will cancel the second subscription once the spouse enroll. This makes them feel worried, as if they will be paying the couples plan TWICE. Some couples have the initial spouse enroll first, then when they go back to enroll the other spouse, see they have to select a plan AGAIN, most of them stop and exit the screen (thinking they will be charged double). As you can see attached, our solo plan is $100/month and couples pay a discounted price of $150/both. Yes, we could change it to $75, but then the customer's card would be under two subscriptions and most bank will decline/fraud detect double billing, which is why we charge a total of $150 per couples, and deactivate the other subscription once the spouse enrolls (which is a inconvenience as well). This would also make solo clients sign up for the wrong plan, if they noticed one plan was $75 vs $100 (as many people do not read the details). HOW SHOULD THIS BE DONE IN CRC? Just like the old CRC weblead form. Have an option to add spouse, select couple's plan ONCE and allow initial spouse to complete self checkout onboarding as normal. (And have a popup message that says your spouse onboarding has went to their email, please have them complete it). To REALLY automate this, allow the option to add a spouse. The initial spouse completes onboarding as normal, THEN AT THE END, the self check feature says "Ok, now let's complete your spouses enrollment", which allows them both to complete onboarding all in one screen. (or if not ready to complete spouses onboarding, then of course onboarding is still sent to the spouse's email as before).
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